Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Journey...

to a Marathon!

(How I ran a marathon...And how you can too!)

(People always assume that I've always been a I thought I'd tell my story.
But I must warn's a bit long!)

Jes kept asking me this weekend if I was surprised that I had actually run a marathon and if I had ever thought 10 years ago that I would be a "marathoner". And well...I guess the answer is "No."

I mean I've always been athletic, but I've never really been particularly great at any sports. I remember running a 7:34 mile in the 5th grade and being so proud of myself. I was always one of the faster girls in gym class, but when I joined the track team in 9th grade, I was one of the slowest! Okay...I was THE slowest. I honestly don't remember my mile times, and it was the only event I really ever competed it. All I know is that I came in last at every race! (Well, not really every race...there was this one time that I passed a girl who puked and kept running to finish behind me.) After one season, I never joined the team again. (And as I got older, I continued to get slower!)

In 2004, I was in my first year of teaching and I knew that I needed to start working out to get back in shape after college. I met a few friends at the Y on a snow day. I went to join the Y, but somehow my friends convinced me to do a sprint triathlon that the Y was sponsoring. At the time it was the craziest thing I had ever set out to do. But I was committed and learned to swim and bike enough to complete the race. I didn't do an amazing job, but I loved the feeling I got by setting and achieving a goal! When the race was over, I vowed to do it again the next year. But after reality set in I realized that I didn't like to bike or swim. So I stuck to jogging for exercise. That summer I had a student at Governor's School who was training to run a half marathon. She told me all about the Rock n Roll Half Marathon at VA Beach and I was immediately in awe of the idea. (But not exactly on board yet!)

In 2005, Jes convinced me to run a 4 miler in Lynchburg. At the time that was the farthest I'd ever run (and Jes kicked my butt!) That fall I also volunteered at the Army 10-miler in DC. I had a blast and thought that I might one day run the race.

A few months later in the spring of 2006, my roommate convinced me to run a 10K (6.2 miles). I ran/walked 13 minute miles to finish the Monument Ave 10K...and I was officially hooked! I loved it! It was such a friendly race! I decided that if I trained I could complete that half marathon and the 10 I signed up for both and started training. That fall I ran/walked both races. I did the half in just under 3 hrs (almost 14 min miles) and the 10 miler in just under 2 hours (almost 12 min miles)

But then I went to grad school for 2 years! During that time, I had no time for exercise! But I did "run" 6 5Ks. I didn't really train for them and my pace progressively got worse over the 2 years. ( I started out with a 32:45 and ended with a 38:24) So when I graduated one of the first goals I set was to train for and RUN a half marathon.

And in January of 2009, I did it. I ran the Disney Half Marathon. I kept a slow pace, but I didn't walk. I finished in 2:33 exactly. And this time I was really hooked and immediately signed up for my next half. And somehow...I became a runner.

Yes, I was athletic. Yes, I'd completed a few races. But I didn't really start running until I moved to Florida after grad school. Since then I've competed in 12 races: three 5Ks, one 4.7 miler, one 5 miler, three 10Ks, one 15K, & three half marathons.

I'm not fast. (Though I'm slowly improving.) But I still love to run.

I like to raise money for charities.
I like to have a reason to make me exercise.
I like to set goals.
I like to get free T-Shirts and bags.
I like to see people cheer me on.
I like to achieve goals.

Which brings me to my most recent achievement...a marathon.

In the Spring of 2009, I saw a table for the 26.2 with Donna while picking up my packet for the 15K. I picked up the brochure thinking I might do the half. The girl working the table overheard me say to my friend that I could never do a full and started to tell me how she had just run her first using the Jeff Galloway method (running/walking). I was interested, but cautious.

That May I went to a workshop with Jeff Galloway and learned all about the method and considered joining a group to run a marathon before I turned 30. But when the time came to join the training group, I chickened out!

But last summer I made my 30 Before 30 list and listed "Run a Marathon". From there it was just a matter of follow-through. I looked at races all over the country, but decided to stick with a local race...and chose The Donna. In September, I made a training plan and started training 22 weeks before the race. At that point the farthest I had ever run was 13.1 miles...but during my training I ran a few longer runs: 15, 19, and 21 miles. (I should have done more, but an injury and the holidays messed me up).

And then this past Sunday, I set out to finish a marathon. And I did! (And I wasn't last! In fact, I did it in under 5 hours! I finished 425th out of 929 women!)

I'd be lying if I said I was not considering doing another...but for now I'm content to work on my pace for some shorter races. But even if I never do another, I can always say I did it! I ran a marathon! Not many people can say that. And, "No, I didn't really ever think I would be one of those people!"

It's amazing what you can do with a little goal setting, determination, and commitment.

If I can do it, you can too. One goal at a time.

Jerry Falwell (Sr) used to say, "What's your B-HAG?'" (Big Harry Audacious Goal). Well, mine was a marathon.

What's your B-HAG? And what are you waiting for?


Team Airhart said...

I love this! Congratulations again! I've always wanted to do a full...hopefully it will happen before we move back to the States!

Jennifer Renée said...

You can do it Tara! And when you do move back to the states we'll have to do a race together! :)