Saturday, May 12, 2012


"Embrace the past.  Hope for the future.  But always live for the journey."
~Jen Kilpatrick

I know I'm not the first person to say these things, so I can't take any real credit for this saying.  These words, basically, just sum up the thoughts of some wise souls, who have gone before me.  Nevertheless, I like to refer to this quote as my mission in life.  I've always found that it's easiest to love your life (aka--be happy) when you are able to do these 3 things.  Of course, like all things...this is much "easier said than done".  

The first year or so that I lived in Florida, I had a difficult time following my own advice...particularly the part about enjoying the journey.   I could spend a lot of time detailing how I forgot that joy shouldn't be dependent upon circumstances or how I thought (and chased after) certain things (that I thought) would make me happy...but that's not the point of this post.  (You can read more about one of the lessons I learned from some of those experiences here.)  While I often admit that it was one of the hardest years of my life, I truly am thankful for the things I learned about God, about myself, and about life during that time. 

By May 2010 a lot had changed in my life.  I had bought a house, I had been given a classroom position, I had ended a relationship, and somewhere along the way I had found my joy.  I found myself thankful for the lessons (Embrace the past-check) and truly loving life (Enjoy the journey-check. ) But I realized that for the first time ever I honestly had no vision (Hope for the future-I knew I forgot something)  And I began to pray that God would give me new dreams.  (You can read more about that realization and prayer here.)

During that summer God really started to put it on my heart that I wanted to teach at the college level in the future.  By the time fall came I was confident that this was something I wanted for my future.  That semester I decided to apply to the Masters in Literacy program at UNF, knowing that I was hoping to one day pursue a PhD in Literacy.  What I didn't know was how soon that day would come.  

I can't even begin to explain all that has happened in the last 2 years. I have learned so much through 
  • my coursework at the University of North Florida.
  • an unexpected position teaching sign language to adults online.
  • my experiences leading the Deaf ministry at Celebration.
  • administrative and environmental changes at work.
  • an opportunity that ultimately wasn't for me, but happened for great reason.
  • lots of advice and encouragements from amazing mentors in my life.
and, of course,
  • lessons from my students, who are always the best teachers.
In less than 2 years, God has given me a hope for the future that is exceedingly, abundantly above anything I could have imagined.  Not only has my vision for my destiny grown, but God's provision has been made clear through an amazing opportunity to follow my (new-found) dreams much sooner than I had planned.  

A month from now I will be standing on a stage issuing congratulations to my 8th graders, who will be moving on to high school.  And I will be keenly aware that I, too, will be moving on.  As this chapter of my life comes to a close, I know that I may never again teach deaf students in the classroom--a job that was, for me, a dream come true.  While goodbyes are always hard, I know that I am where I am supposed to be in life.  I am thankful for all of the moments that brought me this far, I am excited for what lies ahead, and I am loving every moment.  To put it simply--I am happy.  

"Embrace the past.  Hope for the future.  But always live for the journey."

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