Friday, February 12, 2010

3 Years Later

Anyone who has known me and spent any amount of time in my presence over the last 3 years has at some point most likely heard me mutter the phrase "Stupid French Canadian" (or something like it).

Tonight, as I was sitting at dinner (at Jason's Deli with some wonderful friends in case you were wondering) I was complaining of a headache and bumming medicine off a friend when I realized that today is February 12th. I seriously can't believe it is 3 years later!

See in 2007, on this very date I was chatting on the phone with my (adorable) grandma while driving to the University of Tennessee to take a test when some (crazy) delivery truck driver from Quebec plowed into my SUV. (He turned left from the right hand lane-maybe that's okay where he's from?! Anyway...) The amazing (guardian angel...) thing is that I sort of saw it coming! So after "calmly" ending my phone call, slamming on my breaks, and blowing my horn...I was sort of astonished that the impact was still so severe. But as he continued to push my SUV down to the next light on the road he had turned onto and other cars started honking, I realized this crazy man wasn't even aware he had hit me! When the police arrived, he claimed to not understand English enough to answer any questions about what he was delivering, but clearly knew enough to repeatedly state "She make mistake". (Yeh, what was I thinking attempting to drive straight through an intersection in a middle lane!?)

The months that followed led to lots of stress and tears, an awful neck injury, lots of arguments with Canadian insurance people, 6 weeks of a rental car, and $12,000 of damage to my car. And even three years later, there are constant reminders of the event. The man never got a ticket and for all I know is still delivering things in the US. (And because everyone always asks: I was never able to sue him or his "company" because they are Canadian, and I'm not sure I would anyway...because it's just not "me"). I have my car back...but the bumper is starting to hang off, the paint is peeling off, and alignments will always be a temporary fix. And the biggest reminder: my neck. It will never be the same. Even after taking a year and a half off of running, jogging is still hard. The headaches and backpain do dull at times, but never fully subside. And my posture will forever be completely altered.

But I know how lucky I am. Many people end up in the hospital and leave with casts or stitches in surgery sites. Some spend years recovering. And there are others who never leave the intersection. So I know that I was spared that day. I know I am blessed to have the reminders.

And it seems silly to complain about what are really just inconveniences, when I have so much to be thankful for. So instead I am thanking God for His provision. And thanking Him that I am here to write a silly blog 3 years later.


Mary said...

I love you and I'm glad you're here to write your silly little blog, too ;o)

Anonymous said...

So glad you're here and so sorry he was Canadian. I swear we're not all like him ;)

Love ya girl!

Jennifer Renée said...

LOL...Of course not-my Canadian prejudice is geared only toward Quebecois! :)