Thursday, July 15, 2010

What Are You Waiting For?

I have a new love....


(Trust me this post has a point beyond my new hobby...keep reading!)

I've never really been a swimmer. I mean I know how to swim-I think my mom taught me when I was young or something? And I'm pretty athletic and fearless, so I loved going out on the lake as a kid. So it's not like I can't swim. I even passed the lifeguarding test once when I was working as a summer camp counselor (in 2001). And then in 2004, I trained enough to swim 300 meters in a triathlon. Now I guess some people would argue that these 2 experiences would make me a swimmer. But I've never swam farther than 500 meters (for the lifeguard test) and I've always found it to be pretty difficult and never enjoyed it. In fact, because I don't enjoy it I haven't swam since the tri! We're talking 6 years!!!

But a friend of mine is a swimmer...and about a year and a half ago we made a deal that I would help her become a runner, if she would help me become a swimmer. Well, we started jogging together and she even did a few 5Ks with me, but we never got to the swimming part.

After procrastinating quite a bit we finally did my first "lesson" last week! She watched me swim and gave me a few pointers and I swam across the pool a few times. My goal for the day was to do a lap (there and back across the pool, 50 yards). When we first started I thought about adding "swim a mile" to my 30 before 30, but decided against it when she told me that I'd have to swim 36 laps (as in across the pool 72 times!)! I thought it would be absolutely impossible-so I scratched the idea!

Then we met to swim every day this week...
  • On Monday, I made a goal to do 2 laps (100 yards) at one time. I did so once or twice and I ended up swimming 600 yards. I still didn't really enjoy it, but decided if I was going to try to make this an occasional hobby I should get some good goggles and a suit. So I made a little trip to Dick's.
  • Then on Tuesday, I arrived ready to go with my new swim attire. And I decided that swimming was in some ways like running. It's mind over matter. I've always been able to push myself past what I think I can do in running, so why not swimming too. So I decided that I was just going to tell myself, "Yes, you might feel like you can't breathe, but you can, and you are not going to drown. Keep going." And something totally changed. All of a sudden I could breathe, and I could keep going. So my goal for the day was to swim 4 laps (200 yards) without stopping. I did it quite a few times! And I ended up swimming a total of 900 yards. (That's 1/2 a mile!)
  • Then on Wednesday, I had newfound confidence! I did 6 laps (300 yards) without stopping! And then 8 laps (400 yards) without stopping! Altogether I swam 1200 yards! And I left feeling great!
  • And today, I swam 12 laps (600) without stopping TWICE! Seriously, it was pure insanity in my mind. Remember, I had never swam more than 500 EVER in my life-and I only did that once when I was 19! Today's total: 1350 yards (That's 3/4 of a mile!)

I'm serious...I absolutely had no idea I could do it! And now, I totally know I can. So on the list or not, I'm totally planning to swim a mile (without stopping) before I turn 30. (Maybe even before I turn 29!)

Sometimes we totally underestimate ourselves and let our lack of confidence hold us back from what we can achieve.

No, swimming isn't a huge life goal of mine. And in 5 years this blog post will likely be the only memory of this "event" in my life. But I had to put it into words, because I don't want to forget. I'm glad I've found a new hobby to love, but what I'm more excited about is the lesson I've learned.

A week ago, I thought there was no way I could ever swim a mile! And today, I know a can! One week has changed my perspective THAT MUCH! I kept myself from becoming a swimmer all of my life because (until 2 days ago) I didn't believe I could. I was the only one holding myself back.

And now I have to ask, "What else am I holding myself back from?" What has God given me a vision for, that I have simply dismissed as an unattainable far fetched dream? I am the only one holding myself back.

So, I have to ask, what is it you are holding yourself back from?

"What would you attempt to do, if you knew you could not fail?"
~Author Unknown

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