Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lose That Double Chin

Now that I am starting to get back in shape I really would like to start getting my muscles back. I was searching for arm toning exercizes, because that's the area I want to work on the most.

During my search, I found exercizes for your chin! Who knew these existed!? I have posted them below should anyone be interested in toning their chin or being entertained by the idea of doing so.

*Put your head on your chest and then slowly raise straight back until you can't tilt it anymore. You should have your mouth closed, and you should feel the muscles in your neck pulling. Hold this position for the count of ten, relax, and resume a more natural position. Do this exercise at least twice a day.

*Open your mouth as far as possible and stick your tongue out. Hold that position for a count of ten and then relax. Do this exercise up to ten times per day. While it may look silly, and you may feel silly, it really helps to strengthen your platysma muscle.

*Tilt your head backwards as far as possible. Now hold that position and open and close your mouth. You should feel the muscles in your neck stretching. Do this twice per day.

*Stand with your head in a comfortable position. Now try and bring your lower lip upwards as far as you can. Do this exercise twice daily.

(Do people really do these?)


Mary said...

Oh, I'm gonna do them. And I'm going to share them with Jeff, too (he's paranoid about having a fat chin). And FYI, miss teacher, it's spelled "exercise". :oP

Holly said...

Um, I tried each one as I was reading... didn't you???

Jennifer Renee said...

1) Spelling is my disability. Spellcheck was created with me in mind. :)

2) Holly, I love you. :)