Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Milestone in My Running Journey

I've never been a good runner. I joined the track team once in high school. I ran the 1600 (the mile) in meets, and I'm pretty sure I came in last at every race. Okay that's not true, because I do distinctly remember a race where I passed a girl. Of course, I probably remember this because she puked on my shoes shortly thereafter. Anyway, I finished the season and stuck to cheerleading and dance after that.

It's not like I'm absolutely terrible at running. In fact, I was often the first to finish in PE classes, I'm just not competition material. Anyway, I always jogged off and on to try to stay "in shape" through high school and occasionally in college. It was never that difficult for me, because I was a dancer so I was never really "out of shape". But the most I ever ran was 3 miles and that was a rare occurrence.

When I started teaching I decided to do a triathlon with some friends. Not sure what possessed me to embark on the this adventure, but I trained hard core for several months. I lost most of the college weight I had gained and got back some of my muscle that I hadn't seen since my tumbling and dancing days. I was ridiculously dedicated. I worked out every day. Often twice a day. I did yoga, cardio and spin classes, swam, ran, and biked. Oh and did I mention I was also teaching dance classes 4 days a week at this time. After 3 months I did the race and absolutely loved it. I remember how excited I was afterwards and how I was already setting goals for the next year.

But the next year never came. I stopped teaching dance and started coaching cheerleading. And coaching sort of took over my life for the next 2 years. I did run off and on and did some (short) races. And I took a dance class. After I finished coaching cheerleading I decided to try to get back "in shape" again. So in 2006 I did a 10K, 10 miler, and a half marathon. It was awesome.but then I had a hip injury. As soon as it healed, I was in a car accident and hurt my neck/back. Between the back pain and the business of grad school, exercise dropped to the bottom of my list of priorities.

Now that I'm done with grad school I have made a newfound commitment to getting "in shape" again. I couldn't find any dance classes here, but I've started running. There have been many times in my life that I have claimed to be "out of shape". People always freak out when I make this claim. I find myself defending this statement and explaining that being thin and being "in shape" are two very different things. What can I say I'm blessed with good genes and I'm not a food person (minus ice cream...i love ice cream).

But this is truly the first time in my life that I have been "out of shape". I didn't know that before; I always thought I was at different times, but when you can go out and run 2 miles after not exercising for a few months you are not "out of shape". I guess I just took it all for granted. Being a dancer I never understood how "in shape" I was. I was so fit cardiovascularly and I was flexible. So it was nothing for me to go out and run, but now it's so different.

Seven weeks ago, I tried to start running and "out of shape" quickly had a new meaning. Running was kicking my butt! I got winded quickly and my whole body hurt. But I've signed up for the Walt Disney World Half Marathon in January and I wasn't going to give up. So I kept it up. The first several weeks I hated every moment. I kept asking myself "When and why did I ever enjoy this?". But then I started having good runs between the bad ones. Slowly the good runs became more of the norm. And today I finally hit a milestone.

I ran 5 miles (actually a little more, I think)! Let me clarify that when I say run I mean jog. In high school I ran 7 minute miles. In college I ran 8 minute miles. Before grad school I ran 9 minute miles. I now run 10-11 minute miles. I've decided that's not really running. It's jogging. But whatever.

I jammed out with the Beatles on my Ipod and ran in the misty rain for nearly an hour. A perfect Sunday evening; I feel so accomplished. And although I questioned why I was pushing myself to do something I was hating, the past 7 weeks suddenly feel worth it. I have 10 weeks until I run 13.1 miles in the most magical place on earth, but I think I'll be ready. :)

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