Monday, November 3, 2008

Pray for my Baby (Please)

Max is sick again (I think). I don't have the time to go into the details, but if you are reading this please pray. He's my baby and something isn't right.

He's going to the vet in the morning. Please pray that he's okay and that it's not too expensive.

Tuesday Night Update: They gave him an IV and his fever came down. They tested him for FIV (like HIV only in cats). But praise God it was negative. So for now we don't know why he's sick. He's been laying on the couch since we got home, but atleast he's not hiding. I have to take him back tomorrow. Hopefully his fever will have stayed down. If not, we'll go from there. They are suspecting some of the symptoms could be a latent reaction to a drug he was on, but that wouldn't explain the fever. So hopefully it's just a freak thing and he'll be back to normal soon. Poor little (seriously he only weighed 7.5 lbs today...that's a little cat) guy.

Wednesday Night Update: No more throwing up, his eyes look better, and his fever is staying down. Hopefully that means we're in the clear. He's still being somewhat cranky, but he's eating and moving around. So hopefully he was just fighting something off and he'll be back to new by tomorrow. I am so overprotective, it's going to be crazy when I have human children. :)

Thanks for the prayers. Max and I truly appreciate them.


Kate's Mommy said...

prayed for your baby...I know how it is with loving your animals...

p.s. started my own can follow it if you stays lonely b/c I don't get to it much but thought you might like to know!


Samantha said...

Get better Max! This is the second sad kitty story I heard tonight. :(

Olivia said...

I'm so sorry, Jen! I hope that he will be okay. I'm thinking of you and Max today!